Does Cryotherapy Hurt? Dispelling Myths and Setting Expectations

a woman with a hat a gloves smiles, as she leaves a cryochamber.

Cryotherapy, a treatment that exposes the body to cold temperatures for therapeutic benefits, has sparked curiosity and interest among wellness enthusiasts and individuals seeking recovery and rejuvenation solutions. With its growing popularity, a common question arises: Does Cryotherapy hurt? Understanding the sensations associated with Cryotherapy and what to expect during a session can help alleviate concerns and prepare you for this unique wellness experience.

Understanding the Cryotherapy Experience

Cryotherapy involves short-term exposure to sub-zero temperatures, either in a localized area or in a whole-body Cryotherapy chamber. This exposure aims to trigger the body’s natural mechanisms, but the idea of such extreme cold can understandably cause apprehension.

Sensations During Cryotherapy

Initial Cold Shock

Upon entering a Cryotherapy chamber or starting a localized treatment, you will immediately feel an intense cold sensation. This initial shock to the system is often described as surprising but not necessarily painful. The body quickly adapts to the temperature change, with the session lasting only two to three minutes for whole-body treatments.

Numbness and Tingling

As the session progresses, you may experience numbness or tingling in the exposed areas. These sensations are a natural response to the cold and are generally not uncomfortable. In fact, many find them tolerable once the initial shock subsides.

After the Session

Once the treatment concludes and you step out of the Cryotherapy chamber or end the localized session, the body quickly begins to warm up. The numbness and tingling fade, often replaced by a rush of warmth as blood circulation increases. Some individuals describe a euphoric feeling or a burst of energy following Cryotherapy, attributed to the release of endorphins.

Pain vs. Discomfort

While “pain” is subjective and experiences can vary, most people do not describe Cryotherapy as painful. The sensation of cold can be initially uncomfortable or startling, but it is generally not considered hurtful. The brief duration of the treatment, coupled with the body’s rapid adaptation, makes the experience manageable for most.

Book Cryotherapy in North Mt Pleasant

While the prospect of exposing oneself to sub-zero temperatures might seem daunting, Cryotherapy is generally not painful. The sensations of cold shock, numbness, and tingling are part of the body’s natural response and are transient. 

As with any wellness treatment, it’s important to communicate with the provider about any concerns or discomfort, ensuring a safe and beneficial Cryotherapy experience.

To try Cryotherapy in North Mt Pleasant, book your appointment at Restore Hyper Wellness now